Freemen of the Plains soldier

A soldier character for my book "Yelannah". The simplifiend renewable organic weave makes his armor. Basically everything on him and in his hands is organic. 


The Keeper of the In-la Symbiosis. This one is an illustration to my book. The plot is not directly in the book, but rather an organic-themed fantasy. 

Yelannah comic book

Currently working on my illustrated book, which will contain around 60-70 illustrations and 200 author pages of text. But beside it, I try to put together a comic with a detailed depiction of events happening in the book. Hopefully I have enough time to work on both of those at the same time.

Jahor hunting

An omnivorous worm-like creature. The coils of his body roll around the middle axis unlike muscles of any terrain creature. This motion propells the body in any direction at a formidabble speed. Hunting jahor is a bi-monthly ritual and vital need of the Freemen of the Plains - a small tribe of Yelannah.

Teanea fighters

The newly started project I am currently doing along with many work tasks. It is named "Yelannah" and the story is about a remote planet, where people live in a perfect harmony with nature. Nature provides them with food, clothing and even weaponry. The story is also by my and I finished it in 2012. Right now I am almost done with English translation and start to draw the concepts and illustrations to it. Hopefully I have enough time to work on it. These particular concepts show the use of teanea - an organic telescopic liana with razor-sharp hinges, which tear flesh when contracted. Teanea uses muscle-like organic fibers that let it weave around any surface in no time. I have a more detailed desription of it in the book.

Концепты из недавнего проекта, сценарий к которому я закончил еще в 2012-м, а иллюстрировать начал только сейчас. История о далекой планете, где люди живут в совершенной гармонии с природой, которая снабжает их едой, одеждой и даже оружием. В данном случае - теанея - телескопическая лиана с режущими кромками складывающихся колен, которые способны разрывать плоть прикосновением. В книжке все будет расписано подробнее.

A forsaken library

A freelance project I am currently working on. And this is a small illustration to the story. I think I can say I am proud of how it looks. I know it is not perfect, but this is as far as my art goes now - this is how I draw at the moment. 

The manifest of retribution

As for this little project, it started off pretty recently. Me and a friend of mine wanted to start off a hovercraft game on Unreal engine. Some generic post-apocalyptica wasteland-ish sort of style. But it did not really work that well, basically because of the discrepancies between what you would like to have and the amount of resourses at your disposal. In this case I think I will add up tho the project when I have time, but it is really too big to finish it fast. Here are some characters, that do not really relate to the plotline, I just felt like they should belong there.